Sunday, December 10, 2006

Christmas Around the World

For the last week or so, we've been reading books about Christmas in different countries and different time periods. So far, we've done Cristmas in Sweden, the Phillipines, France, on the prairie a loooong time ago, and in the Victorian times. It's been a lot of fun! We learned that in Sweden, the family puts a straw goat by the tree to "protect" the presents and that Santa Clause...excuse me, Pere France doesn's say "Ho ho ho!" he says "Tralala, tralala, bouli, bouli, boulah!" What I found interesting was that, sending Christmas cards didn't become popular until the post office started charging the sender instead of the sendee! We've been reading the book and then Bear dictates what she's learned and I write it in red and green for our "Christmas Around the World" book we're going to make.

I don't really have anything stellar planned for this coming week, which is our last week before Christmas break. We're going to a Christmas party on Friday with some other homeschooling friends, so we're looking forward to that. I think I've got at least one more "Christmas in..." book that we can read and make a page for and I'm going to do some crafts. I love crafts, and so does Bear!
Merry Christmas, everyone!!

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