Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Tuesday, January 31st

This was a really great day because we are finally getting to things in Horizon that Bear doesn't know! So I feel like she's really learning something! We did Lesson 17, which really talked about the concept of "larger". Not that we've never talked about that, and she can (fairly) easily tell you which number is the largest in a group, but we really spent some time discussing it today. I have chick peas that I use for counting, and I'd grab a few in each hand and have her say which group was larger. What's funny is, while this was such a simple exercise, she LOVED it and didn't want to stop!
In Lesson 18, we talked about "ordinal numbers" - 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. - I didn't even know they were called that! The book related them to the days of the week which made it easy to explain. Then she did a worksheet that had her doing things like "Color the 3rd duck green and the 5th duck red". What was really awesome was that I explained the first one to her and then she was able to do the others by herself, which meant she was reading the color names independently!!! This was such a rush for me to hear! It almost makes my eyes tear up just writing about it!!

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