Friday, January 27, 2006

Monday, January 23rd

On Monday, we went to visit some friends of ours who also homeschool, so it was a pretty short day. I introduced some new sight families: "oy", "igh", "ur", "er", and "ir" - Bear got a kick out of the fact that the last three of those make the same sound. Then we read a simple book called Car Wash Kid.
I really enjoyed getting together with our friends. She has 3 kids, ages 2, 4, and 5-ish (maybe 6), and homeschools the older ones. It's nice to talk to someone who has been HS-ing exactly as long as we have because we've got the same concerns over whether or not we're missing something. We were able to compare activities and curriculum and things like that. Plus, The Kids got to play a lot and I got some adult conversation!

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