Friday, January 20, 2006

Friday, January 20th

Well, we didn't really do anything too exciting today. I got out the letter flash cards and we had some fun doing "speed drill" type activities with them. I mixed up the upper and lower case letters and laid them down very quickly and Bear shouted out the letter. She loved this because she got to yell! Deco was yelling right along with her, even though he doesn't know his letters!

We started in the Horizon Mathematics Book 1 this morning. It was super-easy for Bear because she already knew the things that the book was covering (count 1-10, write #1, etc.) but I figured that it wouldn't hurt for her to have some lessons in following directions. Plus, that way I'm not skipping around, trying to find the lessons that are more challenging and possibly missing something key. We did 3 lessons in the book.

It was a quiet day!

Last night, when I was reading Bear's devotion to her at bed time and she asked me to read the title of the story to her, which was "Poochie's Lost". She pointed to the word "Poochie's" and said, "Look, Mom, they took out the 'i', and threw it away and added that little thing....what's that called? (an apostrophe, I told her). It was 'Poochie is...' now it's 'Poochie's'!" I was really excited because contractions are something I explained to her once when we came upon one while I was helping her read a book. It amazed me that she recognized one a few days later!

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