Thursday, June 05, 2008

WOW! - A tiny boast

Back in April, out homeschooling co-op offered IOWA testing for those who wanted to participate. Although our state doesn't require any standardized testing at any grade level, I decided to have Reilly take them just so I could get an "indifferent" opinion of how she's doing. Long story short, I was amazed when I got the test results! In the reading area (comprehension, usage, etc.), she's at a 5th grade level and in most other areas tested she was at a third grade level. (We just finished second grade) The only thing that she was "low" in was math, and I expected that to be the case because MUS doesn't do math like the school system does it. Even with that, it was at an "early" second grade level.

Anyway, I've always said that I think that homeschoolers feel too much pressure to have kids who are advanced academically, as opposed to just average, so I'd have been perfectly happy with everything just showing at a second grade level. But it's nice to see that whatever random method we're using for school is working, and working well!!

1 comment:

Sherri said...

That is so great!! We are still waiting on our Stanford results. I get so nervous when they come in the mail...not that I would send them back if they were too low, but so that I can feel like I have taught them what they need to know.
I've heard that MUS doesn't really prepare students for standardized testing. I know that isn't all that's important, but it was one of the reasons that I chose not to use it. I hope Saxon prepared mine...we'll see!
Once again...woo hoo. See, you are a GREAT TEACHER!!!